To Author Blog or Not to Author Blog?

To blog or not to blog? That was a question I asked myself a lot as I began to take my writing seriously.

The fact that I’m writing this blog post probably tells you what my answer to that question would be.

This will be a quick one today. I’ve really been on a roll this week and spending tons of time in the world of my book. However, I wanted to share some of the articles and other resources I came across that really helped me get going once I decided I wanted to start blogging.

Maybe you’re writing a book too, maybe you’ve just wanted to share your opinions with the world, hopefully some of these might be as useful to you as they were to me!

The links below cover a range of topics; how to make a blog, what to blog about, and why you should blog. Two of the articles are geared towards new authors and the others are more generic.

If You’re a Fiction Writer, You Absolutely Should Be Blogging

10 Things to Blog About When You’re a Brand-New Author

This Is Exactly What Your First Blog Post Should Be About

If you read my first blog post, you’ll notice I went a bit of a different route than this, but this article still gave me a framework for the type of information I needed to provide in a first post.

How To Write A Blog Post In 2020: The Ultimate Guide

5 Ways an Author Blog Could Kill Your Writing (and What to Do Instead)

While I, clearly, have chosen the path of using a blog as part of my author platform, there are arguments against blogging as a new author (or even blogging as an author at any stage). I found this argument to be a strong one, and it is definitely something to consider if you’re thinking about blogging.

What do you think of my blogging so far? Let me know in the comments. I’m always looking to get better and post more of the content that YOU want to see!